39 Weeks: Baby’s Locked and Loaded



Baby is the size of: A watermelon. He was 6 pounds, 13 ounces (estimated) at my last ultrasound, so based on that, he would be 7 pounds, 10 oz today.

How far along are you: 39 weeks, 3 days

What’s happening with baby: From Babycenter, “Your baby’s waiting to greet the world! He may measure about 20 inches and weigh a bit over 7 pounds (boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls). Your baby continues to build a layer of fat to help control body temperature after birth, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.”

Due date: February 3rd

Sleep: Still bad.

This week: My last doctor’s appointment showed that Bean is low and my body is preparing quite well to start evicting this child! It could still be some time before he comes — the doctors can’t predict his estimated time of arrival, despite the obvious assumption on the part of everybody in my life that they can — but it at least bodes well for things starting to pick up and going smoothly when the event does happen. We also scheduled our “just in case” induction for 5:30 a.m. on February 11. Here’s hoping we don’t need it! I’ve also had a lot of untimeable, on and off cramping and just general “feeling crappy”ness. Not many true contractions, but a few Braxton Hicks here and there.

What are you looking forward to: Bean’s arrival — just 4 more days until my due date!

Food cravings: Not much — my appetite hasn’t been awesome.

What do you miss: Feeling like a normal human being again

Symptoms: Heartburn/reflux, back pain, mood swings, hemorrhoids, constant peeing, swollen feet and fingers, irritability, gas, total exhaustion, anxiety and worry about impending parenthood, pelvic pressure, constipation (my old friend!), cramping, back aches, muscle spasms.

Gender: Boy

Belly button: Out.

Ring: Off.

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